Taskolib  1.3.3
File List
Here is a list of all files with brief descriptions:
 CommChannel.hDeclaration of the CommChannel struct
 Context.hDeclaration of the Context and VariableValue types
 default_message_callback.hDeclaration of the default_message_callback() function
 deserialize_sequence.ccDeserialize Sequence and Steps from storage hardware
 deserialize_sequence.hDeserialize Sequence and Steps from storage hardware
 exceptions.hDefinition of the Error exception class
 execute_lua_script.ccImplementation of execute_lua_script() and load_lua_script()
 execute_lua_script.hDeclaration of execute_lua_script() and load_lua_script()
 Executor.ccImplementation of the Executor class
 Executor.hDeclaration of the Executor class
 format.hHelper for fmt{} library to print our types
 hash_string.hAllow string literals as case labels, -std=c++17
 internals.ccDefinition of internal constants and functions
 internals.hDeclaration of internal constants and functions
 LockedQueue.hDeclaration of the LockedQueue class
 lua_details.ccImplementation of free functions dealing with Lua specifics
 lua_details.hDeclaration of free functions dealing with Lua specifics
 Message.hDeclaration of the Message class
 send_message.ccDeclaration of the send_message() function
 send_message.hDeclaration of the send_message() function
 Sequence.ccA sequence of Steps
 Sequence.hA sequence of Steps
 SequenceManager.ccManage and control sequences
 SequenceManager.hManage and control sequences
 SequenceName.ccImplementation of the SequenceName class
 SequenceName.hDeclaration of the SequenceName class
 serialize_sequence.ccImplementation of the store_sequence() free function
 serialize_sequence.hSerialize Sequence and Steps on storage hardware
 Step.ccImplementation of the Step class
 Step.hDeclaration of the Step class
 StepIndex.hDeclaration of the StepIndex type
 Tag.ccImplementation of the Tag class
 Tag.hDeclaration of the Tag class
 taskolib.hMain include file for Taskolib
 time_types.ccConversion for TimePoint
 time_types.hDeclaration of time-related types
 Timeout.hDeclaration of the Timeout class
 TimeoutTrigger.hLogic to check if a timeout elapsed
 UniqueId.ccImplementation of the UniqueId class
 UniqueId.hDeclaration of the UniqueId class
 VariableName.ccImplementation of the VariableName class
 VariableName.hDeclaration of the VariableName class and of an associated specialization of std::hash